Music Submissions

If you or your performing group would like to share professional quality recordings to share with WRR101 listeners, we’d like to hear from you. WRR101 is especially interested in recordings by performers and ensembles based right here in North Texas.

But first review these notes and instructions before submitting your music for airplay consideration:

▸ Submission of music does not guarantee airplay.
▸ You will see a confirmation message after submitting via the digital form below.
▸ We will not provide reviews or critiques of submitted music.
▸ By submitting your music, you affirm that you authorize WRR101 to air the music in whole or part without time limitations or other strictures if the station chooses to do so.

Submit Your Music

Things to know about digital submissions:

▸ Format: Please include a link to downloadable WAV files. Please no mp3’s or other compressed audio.
▸ Links to streaming websites such as Soundcloud or Youtube will not be considered broadcast quality or eligible for WRR airplay.
▸ This is not a song request form.
▸ Please feel free to make available as much music as you like. We welcome your suggestions as to selections you feel would appeal to WRR listeners.

Fill out my online form.

Thank you for sharing your music with WRR101!