Tag: SMU Meadows School

WRR101 Focus on the Arts: SMU students bring the deliciously dark story of Sweeney Todd to the stage

“This piece completely changed my thoughts on how music theater can be done…the piece is operatic in scope, which is one of the reasons why I thought it would be so fantastic for the students,” says Michael Scarola, Visiting Professor of Practice at SMU’s Meadows School of the Arts, who’s directing their production of Sweeney… Read more »

WRR101 Focus on the Arts: Rock drummer Stewart Copeland on composing, teaching, and his recent award from SMU

“I’m primarily known for aggressing upon inanimate objects,” says Stewart Copeland, drummer and founding member of the rock band The Police, referencing an award he recently received from the SMU Meadows School. “To be elevated among such illustrious company is a bigger deal for me than it is for that other illustrious company… So I… Read more »

WRR101 Focus on the Arts: A Puccini Double Bill with SMU’s Meadows Lyric Theatre

“I think what makes these works still so viable today is that Puccini had this amazing ability to get to the heart of the human condition,” says Michael Scarola, Interim Director of SMU’s Meadows Lyric Theatre, referencing the two enduring operatic masterpieces they’ll perform February 15-18, 2024. In this feature with WRR’s Amy Bishop, Scarola… Read more »