It started at age 10. David knew already they wanted to be a classical music radio host. (They’re unusual in that regard: Many accidentally fall into this business, having a degree in French that’s not presenting job opportunities, or a music degree, but not being good enough to be principal cellist of the Cleveland Orchestra). David grew up in upstate New York, listening to the commercial classical station in Syracuse—WONO—and that’s how the passion got started. Many years of studying piano and cello, giving recitals, orchestra and chamber music performances, plus a double-major in music and communications sealed the deal. Their 49-year (and counting) radio career started, still as a student, hosting classical music on the stations at Ithaca College and Cornell University.
David has hosted, scheduled music, interviewed musicians, and hosted live broadcasts of concerts and operas in upstate New York; Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; Gainesville, Florida; Washington, D.C. (for 28 years, including the weekday morning show); Denver, Colorado; and, now, here!
Favorite interviews are with cellist Yo-Yo Ma (who knew David’s work on the radio before they met), conductors Marin Alsop, Michael Tilson Thomas, and Lorin Maazel (so thoughtful with their answers), and pianist Lara Downes (whose passion is deliciously infectious). A favorite live broadcast they hosted was a concert by the Colorado Symphony that was unexpectedly delayed in starting; David loves the pressure, as long as they’re prepared to fill those very long, and otherwise very empty, 25 minutes.
Besides welcoming listeners to the life-changing world of classical music, and going to concerts and operas, David also likes cycling (on 2 wheels or 3), gardening (especially native plants that attract birds and butterflies), and birding (particularly by ear, listening for their songs and calls). They were, after all, our planet’s first musicians.