Archives: Posts

Focus on the Arts – Shakespeare in the Park

What if your favorite 1970’s TV sitcom stars took part in a production of Shakespeare? Head out to Samuell Grand Park this summer and see for yourself! WRR’s Amy Bishop talks with members of Dallas’ popular ‘Shakespeare in The Park’ company about the current summer season and plans for the future.

Focus on the Arts – the 2018 Lev Aronson Festival

Lev Aronson’s life story reads like a movie script and has already inspired at least one book. As the Sixth Cello Festival bearing his name goes through final preparations at SMU, Lev’s stepdaughter, Joy Jamerson, tells WRR’s Amy Bishop about the man who was much more than one of Dallas’ treasured musicians. s

Focus on the Arts – DSO Teen Council “Concert Etiquette”

Going to your first classical concert can seem intimidating at first… What do you wear? When do you clap? When should you arrive? In this podcast, members of the Dallas Symphony Orchestra’s Teen Council address these questions and more, plus give tips for those who are actually performing.